Arctic Values '65
New Brunswick Museum with the cooperation of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
Art Inuit: Autour de la Collection de Cape Dorset 1990
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Centre Culturel Canadien
Belcher Island Community Sculpture
The Raven Gallery
Belcher Island Sculpture
Robertson Galleries
Belcher Island Sculpture
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
Building on Strengths: New Inuit Art from the Collection
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Davidee Kagvik Sculpture
Lofthouse Galleries
Decade of Mystery and Change: Tenth Anniversary Exhibit
The Arctic Circle
Eskimo Art
Embankment Gallery
Eskimo Art in Northern Quebec
presented by La Federation des Cooperatives du Nouveau-Quebec at "Man and His World"
Eskimo Canada
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec and La Federation des Cooperatives du Nouveau-Quebec, held at Place Bonaventure
Eskimo Sculpture
Winnipeg Art Gallery presented at the Manitoba Legislative Building
Eskimo Sculptures and Prints including a collection of Carvings by Osowetokla
Hartford National Bank
Heritage of the Inuit: Masterpieces of the Eskimo
Colorado Galleries of the Arts, Arapahoe Community College
Images of the Far North
Arctic Artistry (held at the Erie County Fairgrounds)
Images of the Far North
Studio Art Gallery, State University of New York
Inuit Masks
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
Inuit Sculpture 1982
The Raven Gallery
Les Inuit du Nouveau-Quebec
Musee du Quebec
Sculpture from Belcher Islands
Images of the North
Sculpture Inuit 25 Years After
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Sculpture of the Inuit: Lorne Balshine Collection/Lou Osipov Collection/ Dr. Harry Winrob Collection
Surrey Art Gallery
Sculpture/Inuit: Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic
Canadian Eskimo Arts Council
Sculpture: Davidee Kavik - Belcher Islands
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
The Bessie Bulman Collection
Winnipeg Art Gallery
The Hunting Existence: Men and Animals Depicted in Sculpture and Prints
Arctic Artistry
The Way We Were - Traditional Eskimo Life
Snow Goose Associates
The Zazelenchuk Collection of Eskimo Art
Winnipeg Art Gallery
We Lived by Animals/Nous Vivions des Animaux
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in cooperation with the Department of External Affairs
[L'art inuit]
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Chapelle de la Visitation, Thonon
[L'art inuit]
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Galerie des Tanneurs, Mulhouse
[L'art inuit]
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Les Martres-de-Veyre
[L'art inuit]
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Palais de l'Europe, le Touquet
[L'art inuit]
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at St. Marcellin
[L'art inuit]
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Palais de L'Europe, Le Touquet
Public Collections
Art Gallery of Ontario
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College
Traverse City
Inuit Cultural Institute
Rankin Inlet
Macdonald Stewart Art Centre
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York City
Musee de la civilisation
Quebec City
Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal
Musee du Quebec
Quebec City
National Gallery of Canada
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
Shell Canada Collection
University of Lethbridge Art Gallery
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Cape Dorset Graphics Annual
Author: West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative
Publication: Toronto: M.F. Feheley Publishers (1980)