Niviaxie, ᓂᕕᐊᓯ
Settlement: Cape Dorset / Kinngait
(1909-1959) — E7-1077
Niviaxie (also known as Niviaksiak) was a renowned sculptor and graphic artist particularly recognized for his carved depictions of polar bears.
A dozen of Niviaxie's drawings were translated into prints for the 1959 and 1960 Cape Dorset collections. Three print images were produced by Niviaxie's widow Kunu before her death in 1966. Two sons, Kiatshuk and Pitseolak Niviaqsi, have become printmakers and carvers; Pitseolak has created images for prints as well.
*Alternative birth year as 1918.
- 1987 Eskimo Art, Franz Bader Gallery
- A New Day Dawning: Early Cape Dorset Prints, University of Michigan
- Arctic Spirit 35 Years of Canadian Inuit Art, Frye Art Museum
- ART ESKIMO, Galerie de France
- Art/Facts, McMaster Art Gallery
- Cape Dorset, Winnipeg Art Gallery
- Cape Dorset - Selected Sculpture from the Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg Art Gallery
- Cape Dorset Graphics *59, (annual collection)
- Cape Dorset Graphics *60, (annual collection)
- Contemporary Canadian Eskimo Art, Gimpel Fils
- Eskimo Art, Queens Museum
- Graphic Art by Eskimos of Canada: Second Collection, Cultural Affairs Division, Department of External Affairs, Canada
- Inuit Art From the Glenbow Collection, Glenbow Museum
- Inuit Graphics and Drawings from 1959-1990, Arctic Artistry
- Inuit Images in Transition, Augusta Savage Gallery, University of Massachusetts
- Inuit Sculpture from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Power, University of Michigan Museum of Art
- Sculpture/Inuit: Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic, Canadian Eskimo Arts Council
- Spoken in Stone: an exhibition of Inuit Art, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
- The Art of the Eskimo, Simon Fraser Gallery, Simon Fraser University
- The Cape Dorset Print, Presented at Rideau Hall by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the National Museum of Man
- The Swinton Collection of Inuit Art, Winnipeg Art Gallery
- We Lived by Animals/Nous Vivions des Animaux, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in cooperation with the Department of External Affairs
- Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University, Kingston
- Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria
- Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
- Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor
- Art Gallery of York University, Downsview
- Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, Montreal
- Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull
- Cultural Affairs Division, Department of External Affairs Canada, Ottawa
- Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City
- Glenbow Museum, Calgary
- London Regional Art Gallery, London
- McMaster University Art Gallery, Hamilton
- McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
- Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal, Montreal
- Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
- Museum of Modern Art, New York
- National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
- Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton
- Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
- Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg
- A COLLECTOR'S POINT OF VIEW., Author: Harris, James, Publication: New York, N.Y. : ARTS AND CULTURE OF THE NORTH 1(1):2, November. (1976)
- SAM NASHALIETOOK [SIC], Author: Inuit Galerie, Publication: Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany, Inuit Galerie (1986)
Title | Last Sold At Auction | |
ARCTIC GULLS | 2012-04 (April 2012) | |
BEAR HUNTER ON SEA ICE | 2009-11 (November 2009) | |
CARIBOU AND YOUNG | 2018-11 (November 2018) | |
CARIBOU WINTER LIGHT | 2018-11 (November 2018) | |
CHAR FISHERMAN | 2018-05 (May 2018) | |
CHAR FISHERMEN | 2010-11 (November 2010) | |
ESKIMO SUMMER TENT | 2020-09 (September 2020) | |
ESKIMOS FISHING THROUGH ICE | 2009-11 (November 2009) | |
ESKIMOS FISHING THROUGH ICE | 2009-04 (April 2009) | |
HUNTER CARRYING A CUB | 2009-11 (November 2009) | |
HUNTER WITH BEAR | 2014-06 (June 2014) | |
MAN HUNTING AT A SEAL HOLE IN THE ICE | 2009-11 (November 2009) | |
MOTHER WITH CHILD | 2008-04 (April 2008) | |
POLAR BEAR AND CUB IN ICE | 2014-06 (June 2014) | |
PREGNANT SEDNA | 2008-11 (November 2008) | |
SEDNA | 2009-11 (November 2009) | |
SLED AND SEAL CACHED ON SNOW BLOCKS | 2019-03 (March 2019) | |
SNOW HOUSE BUILDERS | 2014-11 (November 2014) | |
STANDING MAN | 2010-11 (November 2010) | |
STANDING WOMAN | 2009-11 (November 2009) | |
THE ARCHER | 2021-12 (December 2021) | |
TWO BEARS HUNTING | 2019-05 (May 2019) |