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This Issue: Sovereignty

Canadian Art | December 03, 2020

Categories: news

This Issue: Sovereignty


Ossie Michelin is a Labrador Inuk based in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal). He is a storyteller, journalist, filmmaker, photographer—and now editor. Michelin’s work aims to help explain the Indigenous world and the North with a capital N.

Adrienne Huard is an Anishinaabekwe registered at Couchiching First Nation, and is currently based in Miiskwaamagiwiziibiing (Winnipeg). She is a scholar, curator, performer and writer. Huard’s research centres Indigenous self-determination around sexual and bodily autonomy, gender expressions and the rejection of colonial systems of oppression.

This digital issue, Sovereignty, is the first of its kind for Canadian Art. The idea for an all-Indigenous digital issue came from outgoing Indigenous editor-at-large Lindsay Nixon, who passed the idea on to us. We were able to take it on as one of our first projects with the magazine, and it has certainly been a rewarding experience to connect with such amazing and talented Indigenous artists and writers. Acknowledging the importance of collaboration as Indigenous creatives, we would like to thank Canadian Art for bringing us together through this project. Sovereignty presents the diverse perspectives that Indigenous creatives carry across these lands and digital spaces.

Read the essay by Ossie Michelin and Adrienne Huard here.


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